Heavy Vehicle Industry
Useful Links
Heavy vehicle compliance and regulation is now managed by the National Heavy Vehicle Regulator (NHVR).
For heavy vehicle compliance enquiries, contact the National Heavy Vehicle Regulator.
For programmed heavy vehicle inspection bookings, message us or call 13 23 80.
For information relevant to Industry & Business, use the following links:
Conditions of Operation Database
Excess Mass and Excess Dimension Guidelines
For information on any heavy vehicle and freight restrictions that may be in place, use the following link:
Heavy Vehicle Industry Road Report
For information on QLD Government Heavy Vehicle Rest Areas, use the following links:
Map's of Queensland Government Heavy Vehicle Rest Sites
For information for a prime contractor and driver of a road vehicle transporting dangerous goods and their obligations, use the following links:
Australian Dangerous Goods Code
Transporting dangerous goods by road
For information on closed and restricted state-controlled roads due to wet weather and flooding, use the following link:
Fact sheet for Heavy Vehicle Industry
For information regarding M1 Heavy Vehicle Lane Restrictions, use the following link:
Download the printable information sheet about the restrictions. (PDF, 2.5MB)
Heavy Vehicle Industry Road Report
The Heavy Vehicle Industry Road Report can be cross referenced with the Road Freight Network to assess your journey.
This report is automatically updated every hour from information stored within the QLDTraffic system.
For further information on heavy vehicle routes and permit applications, please call the Heavy Vehicle Operations Office on 07 3066 5511 between 8:30am-5:00pm Monday-Friday. For all light vehicle enquiries, please call QLDTraffic on 13 19 40 available 24hours.
In QLD declared state of disaster situations, please call the National Heavy Vehicle Regulator contact centre on 1300 105 647.
State-controlled Road Freight Network
The State-controlled Road Freight Network is a PDF map view of the key, state-controlled freight routes throughout Queensland.State-controlled Road Freight Network (PDF, 1.8MB)

Queensland Government Heavy Vehicle Rest Areas
The Queensland Government is committed to helping Heavy Vehicle drivers make more informed travel decisions. National reforms to combat heavy vehicle driver fatigue are in effect on Queensland roads. These laws are about making the roads safer and fairer, not just for heavy vehicle drivers, but for all road users.
Excess Mass and Dimension Conditions of Operations
Vehicles operating under excess mass and/or excess dimension guidelines or permits can potentially damage the road infrastructure and effect the safety of other road users.
To reduce the risks associated with the use of these vehicles, conditions of operation may be imposed on their operation.
General conditions of operation are included in the excess mass and excess dimension guidelines link above; conditions of operation for specific operations are issued with excess mass and dimension permits.
It is the vehicle operator's responsibility to ensure compliance with current conditions of operation.
To ensure operators meet the responsibility, a Conditions of Operation Database for the state-controlled road network has been developed for public use. To access the Condition of Operation Database, click the link at the top of the page